However, the poet spares himself further dilemma and sticks to his first choice of road and hopes beyond hope to be able to travel the other one sometime but deep inside his heart he knows that one road will lead to another and he will never be able to reach the same fork again. Upon the first glance one of them looks less worn and hence less traveled by but the poet corrects himself in the course of the poem by stating that both the forest pathways were actually equally traveled. The poet while traveling on foot in the woods reaches a junction where two roads diverge and he has to choose one among them with a lot of regret as he would have loved to explore both of the forest paths lying in front of him. This Road not taken analysis will try to shed light upon a deeper meaning which this poem encapsulates in its twenty lines. The Road not taken by Frost summary is the understanding of what went through the mind of the poet when he was standing at a point in his life when a choice needed to be made. And share this article with your friends or classmate.This article provides a complete summary of the wonderful poem ‘the road not taken by Robert Frost. ‘The Road Not Taken’ is a beautiful piece of poetry which has the power to take an imaginative mind at a fork in a forest on a young autumn morning. Please also read another article related to your classes. I hope this article had definitely helped you in understanding this chapter easily. And if we have already taken the decision in past then, we should not regret and think about creating and saving the future. Otherwise, we will definitely regret in our Future and can not return back to that point to take another path. In this poem "The road not Taken", we learn that we should always think twice and thrice before taking the big decision of our life. So an individual can select the path that was less taken by people. Nowadays maximum was decided to take the wrong path only.

Then the answer to this question is also given in this poem that its decision is totally on the individual but you can take help from the path by seeing that on which path the maximum crowd of people was going. It may confuse the readers also that then "what is the success for an individual was decided by whom? " But the same individual who started with them only but choose another path that he/ she decided to take but refused with another one then after getting that much success also then they were regretted. In this poem, a person may become confused if he/she has been getting success in the future to some extent which has been enough for them. Through this poem, Robert Frost wants to convey these comic messages to the person of this world to make their future decision better and incredible. So any inaccurate decision or choice can disfigure our life. So making an accurate choice and taking proper decisions is very tough for a person. Because after getting the results of our decision we can't unhook them we can only regret them. Because only a person's future can disclose whether the decision taken was wrong or right. Similarly, in real life, many options are available at one time but a person has to select the best one which can make his future success. But somewhere he knows that the path he selected leads him to a new world and very likely he won't be back. He started to go with that path and he thinks that maybe he might come back another day and again he might change his path.

And he started to think logically and after a few minutes, he suddenly decided to take another road because he think that no one had been gone that way that's why he was very excited to know where this path leads. He looks towards one road up to a point and he saw lots of people were going through this road. In this poem, the poet was standing at a diverging road and he was thinking that which path is he going to take.
#The road not taken summary and theme how to
The poem 'The Road not taken' expressed how to make decisions in life that framed your future.